I found these mason jars with to-go lids and straws at the Camarillo 99 Cents Only store yesterday. What a great find! And it's even more exciting that the lids are just metal - no BPA-laden white liner on the inside!
While similar lids are available online, the cheapest I have seen them is about $7.00 -- and that is without a handled mason jar.
Ultimately, I want to move towards only using stainless steel straws, but this was a such a great deal - and I've been looking for a good deal on these for so long - that I could not pass them up!
I checked the Ventura 99 Cents Only stores on Victoria Avenue and Main Street and didn't find any there, but I left a few on the shelf in Camarillo - so hurry over to get them, or check your local dollar store to see if they have any in stock!